Saturday, March 22, 2008

informd launches with barely a ripple.

Bearing in mind that this is my first post, I am not expecting vast amounts of traffic to be flocking my way like sardines in June. All I can hope for is a few readers that may share my opinions on topics worth laughing at, with or about.

Alternatively, there may be people out there that consider my thought processes deeply flawed. I invite them to pull the piss out of me and have a go, because I certainly plan to return the favour. Perhaps this is purely my attempt to be part of the blogosphere and ensure that my words are documented. Perhaps it is just an attempt to keep a diary for the first time in my life. Who knows? Who cares? Read it if you must. Dismantle it if you are so inclined, but make sure you know what it is that you are dismantling.

1 comment:

TheLastFearfulMonkey said...

Crikey! Brave man, Bold move... Nice Terrier.