Morning all. Every now and again I come accross some truly decent work done on the web. This is very much in its testing phase at the moment, but it certainly is getting tongues wagging.
I was asked to do some usability testing (which in this case i was MORE than happy to do) by Feisty Female
I'd love to hear what you think. It's the eternal question:
Naughty or Nice - You decide!
Have a gander at and embrace the daring duo.
Definitely not for under 18's
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Naughty vs. Nice - My money's on naughty
Monday, April 21, 2008
What a monumental cock!
I was sitting watching the world's most depressing show - Carte Blanche - last night when lo and behold, I received the following text message:
"I dont hav energy 2 fight anymore.I dont want 2 fight a losing battle.I can c ..@ feel that u are no longer interested in this relationship.U are still on comfort zone.I cant b on leave than hav sleepless nights.Enjoy in ur promised new comfort zone.Dont come 2 me apoloqizing bcos u already hav intention.I am going 2 divorce u.I dnt threaten u.It is over between me @ u."
Jeez this oke is a toss!.
Firstly. What dick tells his wife that he is going to divorce he through that ever-so-personal communication method, the SMS?
Secondly, he sent it to me, which means it can safely be assumed that he punched the number into his phone incorrectly, which leads me to believe that he did not have the number saved on his phone.
What dickhead doesn't have his wife's number saved on his phone. Thias one apparently.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
UK Lottery Results - 19 April 2008
For the UK National Lottery players out there, here are your results for last night. Remember, you can always grab up to £ 42 Million at The next draw jackpot for this coming Wednesday is sitting on around £3,000,000!
That's big cash in anyone's language.
EuroMillions Results - 18 April 2008
The EuroMillions lottery jackpot has been won, which means that next week's jackpot is sitting at €15 Million. If you are keen to buy tickets, go to
If you can get your head around those whopping jackpot numbers, you might actually find yourself entering's Monaco 2008 competition. Just click on the banner below and get yourself ready for the Grand Prix event of the year.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
This one takes the cake
I highlighted a few choice 'Lost in translation' items in an earlier post, but I have to say, they all pale in comparison to this one. Thanks Tas for sending it to me. I mean... have you ever? (click on the image for the full-size image)
Say no more...
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Religious fundamentalism in the West?
We are often surprised at how extreme certain religions can be. But let us not forget how close to home this type of fundamentalism can be. This shit baffles me. I dont understand how people can let this happen. This religious group (read cult) advocates polygamy and is a mormon sect.
My advice: Get the fuck out! Leave the bastards that oppress you and make a plan to be normal. This may be the life you know, but there are others out there that take steps to better their lives. Do the same.
The flip side to my opinion is naturally, who is the State to say that this is in the best interests of the children. Surely it is better for them to be with their parents than in some sports stadium? Who knows?
Here is a clip from NBC that explains it further.
What a happy family:
Sunday, April 13, 2008
UK Lottery Results - 12 April 2008
For the UK National Lottery players out there, here are your results for last night. Remember, you can always grab up to £ 42 Million at The next draw jackpot for this coming Wednesday is sitting on around £3,000,000!
That's big cash in anyone's language.
Friday, April 11, 2008
You've just gotta love shmodels...
Dont get me wrong, I absolutely adore models, but when it comes to fashion shows and ramp modelling, I more often than not tip my hat only to the Victoria's Secret type shows purely because i reside in the fasshion wilderness, and partly because i feel that emaciated stick taking themselves far too seriously are simply not worth watching.
Take for example the incredibly beautiful Adriana Lima:
She simply can not be faulted. She is probably the most beautiful woman in the world, in the truest sense of the word beautiful.
However, when I see undernourished European girls strutting their stuff on stage and displaying the most arrogant facial expressions, I beg the universe for the stage to come crashing down. Call me a bastard if you must, but when it happens, I simpy die laughing.
Here is a small montage of some of the inspirational occurrences:
Both are absolute classics!
EuroMillions Results - Triple Rollover
The EuroMillions lottery jackpot has rolled over for a third time, which means that next week's jackpot is sitting at a giant €57 Million. If you are keen to buy tickets, go to
If you can get your head around those whopping jackpot numbers, you might actually find yourself entering's Monaco 2008 competition. Just click on the banner below and get yourself ready for the Grand Prix event of the year.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Toaster twit!
I know we are all jumpy about security in SA, especially if you stay in the cities. Me too. In fact, I am so jumpy I bought myself one of those flick-sticks. You know, the kind that extends telescopically to reveal a mean striking metal bar for which to donder the kuk out of okes wif.
Anyhoo, last night I heard a blood-curdling scream followed by a man's deep voice that could have been either concern or threat. I dont know which as in my semi-somnent state, I was still busy telling Monica Bellucci that she would be welcome to stay over as long as she cooks my favourite recipe in the buff (at least, that is what I have chosen to remember of my dream).
Having snapped out of it, I realised that the scream came either from the flat next-door, or from the one above. So I kicked into damsel-in-distress-rescuing mode and whipped on my jeans (only the urgency of the situation stopped me from wrapping a rugby sock round my forehead and putting shoe-polish under my eyes). I grabbed my flick-stick and headed for the door.
When I got outside I scanned the surrounding areas to find nothing but my neighbour in his shower towel, also looking up to see where the commotion was coming from. With all the bravado and adrenalin of a Pamplonan teenager on the 6th of July, I ran upstairs, knocked on the door and bellowed, "Is everyone OK in there?" Needless to say my voice lost it just after 'OK' and I squeaked the last two words not unlike said teenage Pamplonan.
Lo and behold, my upstairs neighbour opens the door and looks at me like I am insane. He tells me that his girlfriiend had electrocuted herself on the toaster. Thinking that I could go from crime-preventer to life-saver, I thought back on my CPR lesson and how to jumpstart the poor girl's kicker, when she comes up behind him, holding her hand and wailing like a spoilt child.
I shit you not, without skipping a beat, she looks at me and says, "I'll be OK, I think I am still in shock."
In Shock??? Electrocuted??? Is is just me or is a zap from a toaster not slightly different to being electrocuted?
From the scream, you would have thought she was all alone and had woken to find Jacob Zuma standing over her bed with his shower cap on.
Massively deflated at the prospect of absolutely nothing of any significance whatsoever happening to anyone, I came back downstairs and tried to go back to bed. Have you ever tried to sleep after an arenaline rush...
Exactly, hence my writing of this post at 1.30am. Gnight.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
UK National Lottery Results - 05 April 2008
For the UK National Lottery players out there, here are your results for last night. Remeber, you can always grab your £ 42 Million at The next draw jackpot for this coming Wednesday is sitting on around £3,000,000!
Friday, April 4, 2008
EuroMillions - Double Rollover! - Results for Fri 04 April 2008
The EuroMillions lottery jackpot has rolled over again, which means that next week's jackpot is sitting at a giant €43 Million. If you are keen to buy tickets, go to
If you can get your head around those whopping jackpot numbers, you might actually find yourself entering's Monaco 2008 competition. Just click on the banner below and get yourself ready for the Grand Prix event of the year.
Morning all.
Time for the daily excercize routine. This routine has been meticulously planned and arranged by trained professionals, and is for co-ordinated people only! If you suffer from any 'unco-ness' I suggest you stop right there.
Do not try this unsupervised.
1. While sitting where you are at your desk in front of your computer, lift your right foot off the floor and make small clockwise circles.
2. Now, while doing this, draw the number '6' in the air with your right hand.
Hang on a bit. I coulda sworn I said this was only for co-ordinated people.
Keep practising.
Naomi back in jail
Hot she definitely is...
Classy, she definitely isn't.
This week Naomi again proved she dyes her hair by going off her overly made-up face at an airport security guard.
She ranted and raved as only Naomi can and eventually spat in the guard's face.
Grace, poise and class personified...
P.S. Ever noticed that if you rearrange the letters in Naomi, you get: I Moan. Who said this blog isn't thought provoking?
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Beijing gets ready for the Engrish!
As you know, the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in the city of Beijing. With the inevitable influx of English-speaking visitors, Beijing is making a concerted effort to ensure that both public facilities and commonly used items are labelled accordingly.
Here are a few of their initial attempts:

Wednesday, April 2, 2008
I got 11 at first - Kinda freaky
I was pretty freaked out when I realised just how much our perceptions can alter what it is we see. Here is a great example.
This just in: "Zuma's moral character flawed"
I don't believe it. Could it really be? Could the bastion of moral fortitude and uprightness that is JZ possibly have a crack in his otherwise flawless armour?
Say it aint so...
There will, without doubt, be a vast amount of articles and postings about the statements made this week by UNISA rector, Barney Pityana.
Here are some of the pearls:
"To many of us, Jacob Zuma remains a flawed character in his moral conduct; he has been indicted for serious crimes that involve corruption and dishonesty."
"Anyone aspiring to become a head of state must understand the obligation that binds one to honour the spirit and the letter of the Constitution, to order their personal conduct as if it is an open constitutional text [and] to internalise its precepts as binding on one's life."
"This is the same as electing convicted criminals to high political office, by advocating criminal conduct as political and thus making it acceptable to subvert the law."
"When leaders do that they numb citizens to aversion to such conduct and make it a very attractive "cat-and-mouse" game as long as one does not get caught."
These are damning statements indeed, and do not lack substance. Jacob Zuma certainly makes no visible effort to ensure that, morally at least, he is beyond reproach, but rather subverts discussion thereby indicating his perception that he is above it.
What worries me far more is that this comes as a surprize to many. Too many people simply ignore the transgressions of political figures or treat them as understandable owing to past attrocities, thereby tacitly ratifying them and fostering a political "hit & run" culture.
For South Africa's sake People, we have to wake up and rid our land of this element. Jacob Zuma is the tip of a corrupt iceberg.
He is too arrogant to give a damn.