And for those UK Lottery fans out there, here are your results for last night. Remeber, you can always grab your £ 42 Million at
Saturday, March 29, 2008
UK Lottery Results - 29 March 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
EuroMillions results - Friday 28 March 2008
For those of you that play the EuroMillions Lottery, it has rolled over, which means that next week's jackpot is sitting at a very tempting €27 Million. If you are keen to buy tickets, go to
Oh sure, but can he keep it up?
This is a fluke of note, but it reminds me of a time when friends and I were outside what was "O-Bar" in Herms, and I flicked my entjie butt. It landed burning-cherry-side up! I shit you not. Standing prouder than a honeymooner's dick in full view of everyone.
I have witnesses, OK!
Bunny! Ball-ball!
This is why a daschund is the only 'small dog' i will ever own.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Them's child-bearing hips Mister!

The Hip-Hop scenario:
Word! I cant roll with my homies tonight. You know: Baby Papa Drama!
The Cape Flats scenario:
Jy! Jou ma se... nee jou pa se....
I could go on, but it is just too easy.
Another thing is that if he is the first man to bear a child, he quite possibly could be the first guy to have his period. Can you imagine how cranky he would get if he couldn't find the remote?
Food for thought...
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Amnesty vs. Accountability
It starts...
Our media is about to debate the next chapter in the farce that is the arms deal. One which could definitely - in the eyes of the rest of the world - destroy South Africa's already waning reputation and culminate in ours becoming the next African country to collapse into a helpless meltdown.
We as 'Proudly South African' optimists will defend our beautiful land to the bitter end, armed with the oft-sung slogans of a rainbow nation and continued notions of rectifying the 'Legacies of Apartheid'.
Personally, I am tired of this fight, as the reality that we now face seems to me to be equally evil. I will no longer blindly support our country with the same fervour that a religious zealot uses to justify his inability to question (or even acknowledge) any notion that differs from his own.
Have we lost the inclination to question our leaders, owing to their disadvantaged pasts, when it is the very actions they undertook in their recent past which causes their reputations to be questioned?
Before I lose it completely, I am referring to this article posted on News24 today, in which the potential for amnesty for those involved in the Arms deal is being considered. I must be completely honest when I say that this terrifies me. It is, to our justice system, what Marijuana is to drug addiction: The first step in a perilous downward spiral.
Why is it that when parliamentarians commit fraud (Travelgate) they are not prosecuted criminally, but simply removed from office? Even those prosecuted and found guilty simply serve a ridiculously abbreviated sentence in relative luxury and then saunter home even more respected for their apparent suffering. The punishment does not fit the crime.
Were a starving man to rob a convenience store to feed his family, would he not feel the full wrath of the law? Am I wrong in feeling a massive sense of imbalance? Is this not the country's "Neo-Apartheid": The discrimination of New South Africans (irrespective of colour) by those who are now abusing the fact that their pasts were disadvantaged?
Unrepentant forgiveness in South Africa is the rape of the country by those to whom it has been entrusted and it simply must be stopped. Giving amnesty to those involved in the arms deal is a tacit ratification of their actions, and it sets the most dangerous precedent possible - that any action, no matter how illegal, can be tolerated if argued long enough. That no man is accountable for his actions if, in his past, he has struggled for 'the People'.
The saddest irony is that those who suffer most at the hands of corrupt oppressors are the same people that are easiest to influence.
Can we afford to sacrifice accountability at the altar of amnesty?
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Cindy Reynders' Birthday
It is Cindy Reynders' birthday today and this little C&H is just for her. Happy Birthday Cinds, from the crew.
Just so you know, you share your birthday with:
1. Kiera Knightley
2. Diana Ross
3. Leonard Nimoy (Dr. Spock)
Hane a rocking day Cinds!
Mozart se moer
Im spent...
I am thouroughly impressed with people that readily display ridiculous amount of skill. This shit makes "America's got Talent" and other aparent talent shows look stupid.
Off the hook.
Miss vH becomes Mrs. T
Sorry, I know this is a very late post, but we only got our pics recently, and yes, she is that beautiful. That is my wife: Leoni Thomas (and me).
This is my favourite of all of our pics. It was taken by Shanna Jones our appointed photographer on the day.
Shanna was great, and if you want to get in touch with her you can find her details here.
More picks on Flickr
MONACO 2008 - Serious Prize
I'm gonna punt this till the cows come home, because I would love one of my mates to win it. Our holding company is running their annual Monaco 2008 competition(Click on the Monaco banner when you get to the home page). The prize is pretty epic and includes a pit-lane tour with Alan McNish, an ex F1 Driver (for those that don't follow F1).
You'll also get a week in Monaco at your leisure and all the spendiong cash you will ever need. Get to the site and see how it all works. You can get all the info you need at Just click on the Monaco banners to go through.
No Bogroll, no meat, let's go for a 1300km jog!
There are causes out there that are worth supporting. But I consider a lot of them to be a load of crap as most of the funds generated go to the organisers, rather than to the intended recipients. Let me give you an example: The next brainless hag that interrupts my romantic dinner to peddle me a rose for a mere R20-00 will get an earful as I know for a fact that 5c in every rand goes to the blind.
But I do know of a cause that is worth looking into. I also know that fuck-all people read my blog, so this might not help, but I am posting it anyway, and I hope that some of you might "know a guy who knows a guy". The site is:
Chett Vosloo - aided for part of his trip by another good mate Mike Arbuthnot - has finished a mission to run the coast of India. No typo there, just a 1300km ball-busting, blister-inducing marathon of note.
This is Chett with one of the more seasoned locals.
I respect their efforts in a big way, due in no small part to my inability to run a bath, let alone the coast of one of the world's biggest countries.
Check out the site and if you can, drop a few rands into the kitty. If that is too much, forward it on and see if we can help get the ball rolling.
It really is a good cause.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Why the Name?
This is pretty simple. I have called my blog 'informd' (ĭn-fôrmd') and I would love to know what you think of the name. My reasoning behind the name is as follows: To be 'informd' is to know what is going on in your space and the spaces of those you care for. I am not saying I am 'informd', but merely stating that i aspire to be so.
Added to that, the name serves as a call to action. i.e. Inform D! Tell David what you think. Start a conversation and see what the response is.
Anyway, even if you think it is complete horseshit, let me know.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
informd launches with barely a ripple.
Bearing in mind that this is my first post, I am not expecting vast amounts of traffic to be flocking my way like sardines in June. All I can hope for is a few readers that may share my opinions on topics worth laughing at, with or about.
Alternatively, there may be people out there that consider my thought processes deeply flawed. I invite them to pull the piss out of me and have a go, because I certainly plan to return the favour. Perhaps this is purely my attempt to be part of the blogosphere and ensure that my words are documented. Perhaps it is just an attempt to keep a diary for the first time in my life. Who knows? Who cares? Read it if you must. Dismantle it if you are so inclined, but make sure you know what it is that you are dismantling.